
Diamond Tip/Tube 01-03

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4,99 € avec TVA: 5,99 €
Disponibilité: Rupture de stock
The 01-03 round tube and tip combination provides you with a fantastic option for your tattoo supplies needs, offering a reliable and durable option that is certain to help you get the effects you’re looking for when working with smaller configuration diamond tattoo needles. Because this product offers a combination of the tube and tip you can be sure that you have everything you need, and you can be confident that these work well together and offer a reliable solution to your needs, which is durable and effective for the purpose. These are manufactured using an exceptionally high standard of stainless steel to provide the highest possible standard of results, and of course this is a particularly hygienic material which is easy to clean and safe to be sterilised in the autoclave.
There are always a number of options available to you as a tattoo artist when it comes to selecting the right equipment for your particular needs, and of course there are always a variety of sizes, colours, designs and materials to choose from regardless of whether you’re looking at tattoo tubes or tattoo machines. This particular product selection gives you a fantastic combination of tip and tube, offering a diamond 01-03 configuration which is of course suitable for working with a selection of the smaller diamond configuration needles. This is manufactured with a careful design that ensures the needles mount easily and are held securely, and of course gives you a particularly high standard of stainless steel to work with, which helps to ensure that the tube and tip are easy to clean, long lasting and can be sterilised in an autoclave for a more efficient and hygienic result. Of course these are available in a selection of sizes, but provide you with a number of benefits, perhaps most prominently is the fact that these products are reused again and again, with a single tube and tip lasting for years with the appropriate care, so you don’t have to replace them on a regular basis, which does help to make these a more cost effective option than the disposable alternatives.